
FENAMAD was created in one of the most critical times in the history of Madre de Dios, when the rise in the price of gold generated a wave of migration of gold seekers to our territories, ignoring ancestral rights. The rejection of our peoples in the face of the invasion motivated the anger of the miners and the authorities of Madre de Dios against us. Serious conflicts arose, the ambition to exploit the gold was uncontrollable, the invaders prosecuted our leaders. At that time only a minimal part of the communities had been recognized and no more than four had been titled.
After addressing the serious problems of the indigenous communities, during the Congress it became clear that it was necessary to create an organization to raise demands and proposals in search of alternative solutions, as well as to assume the defense and full exercise of rights, under a collective ideal of organized peoples. It was then that FENAMAD was founded, a multi-ethnic organization representing the indigenous peoples of Madre de Dios and expressing their interests and demands. The formalization of its creation took place in 1986, when it was registered in the Public Registry of Madre de Dios. 

During the first ten years after the founding of FENAMAD, the leaders had to face the obstacles and shortcomings of an organization in its infancy. They did not have the infrastructure (an office), human, economic, material or logistical resources to carry out their role, so they had to make the best of every opportunity to travel to the communities, talk to the population and channel their proposals. On many occasions, the leaders paid for their travel expenses to the communities with their own economic resources. It is important to point out that during its first years, FENAMAD was supported by the institution Centro Eori.
Thus, from the eight communities that founded it, today it has come to represent the 31 existing indigenous communities in Madre de Dios and has also taken on the defense of indigenous peoples in voluntary isolation and initial contact.