Gender and indigenous women_

From the heart of the family, the community, the region, the country or the world, indigenous women play a very important role in the integral development of the new generations.


Gender and indigenous women_

From the heart of the family, the community, the region, the country or the world, indigenous women play a very important role in the integral development of the new generations.
They also have a very important role in the struggle for the respect of the rights of indigenous peoples and the conservation and development of our cultures, starting with the language, which is called “mother tongue” for a reason.
One of its objectives is to promote the recognition, respect and exercise of the rights of indigenous women, through their active participation in community, regional, national and international organization, as well as in the public sphere.
To strengthen the role of indigenous women in the family, communities and their organizations.
To strengthen indigenous women’s knowledge and skills of analysis, discussion, proposal, decision-making, management and leadership at all levels.
Improve the standard of living of indigenous women through the implementation of work projects.